Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Something new. Something crazy challenging

Well Here it is friends... My ultimate weight loss/diet/heath plan/run my butt off plan. I am going to do it! even if I start out walking for 30 minutes a day I am working towards one of my secret goals. I have never been good at running, it hurts my lungs my knees and I just feel stupid doing it sometimes. But i have these uber motivating dreams involving freedom found through running. Running off stress and getting fit in the process. I have reached my highest weight and out of shapeness ( yes that is a word... at least right now it is.) and it just doesnt feel good. So here it goes. I figure that if I publicly write about my progress and even if I fall off the band wagon it will keep me motivated. So what do you say? Anybody want to join?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What am I most grateful for?

Today was the day of thanks. I have been pondering me life and the things in it a lot lately. Although I am super grateful for my family, friends, and so many other things in my life I think that the thing that I am most grateful for is the opportunity and ability to change. To change the way we look, the things we do, where we live, our attitude, our routine, and so much more. I can imagine how unbearable it would be to feel as if there was no way to change the things that make us unhappy. I am so grateful that I was sent to this earth to learn and to grow through change. I hope that I can change the things in my life that I want and need to change. What are you most grateful for?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My first post, its finally here!

Hi All,
I am thinking I will start this with a little intro about me. Where to start... How about A-Z me.
Age- 23 ( Although my birthday is next month)
Bed size- Queen
Collection- Scarves and Metal tins
Dog or cat- DOG
Essential to start my day-  Turn on the music
Favorite color- Yellow, but I have a few favorites
Guilty pleasure- Nail Polish
Height- 5'9"
Instruments I play- Trumpet and french horn in high school, but I am trying to learn guitar now.
Job Title- None haha, I guess you could say student
Kids- I dont have any yet, but hopefully someday
Laundry or Dishes?- Laundry!
Man Crush- Ryan Gosling
Nicknames- Le Le, Lola, Leahface, Face, Lo, Lee
Otterpop Flavor- Pink
Pet Peeves- Lying, Hair in the bathroom
Quote from a movie- This is hard for me because I am an avid movie quoter... I guess I will go with "Heyo!"
Right or Left handed- Right
Siblings- Heidi, Ethan, and Emma
Ultimate vacation- I really want to go to New Zealand, so beautiful!
Vegetable I hate- Mushrooms
What makes me late- I am usually very prompt, but if I had to choose I would say my dog, Fletcher.
X-rays- Wow to many to count, but I would say at least a dozen.
Yummy food I make- well I enjoy cooking so hopefully most of what I make is Yummy, but I do make a mean Thai Peanut chicken dish.
Zoo Animal- I usually enjoy the Bird house or the Hippos

Well that is just a basic over view. I hope to use this blog as a motivator in my day to day life. I decided to start this blog due to some rough things going on in my life. I just moved home to small town Nevada with my parents to take a step back and re-evaluate the things in my life. I have been living in Logan UT for the past 5 years going to school at Utah State University. I started out as an Interior Design Student, although I enjoyed my first few years of college I found that it just wasn't my calling. So I stepped back and realized that the only class I was enjoying was my photo 1 class. So I decided to see what photo had to offer. And what do you know I fell in love with Photography. I switched my major to photography and worked on getting accepted into the BFA program. I got accepted and felt major relief to find something that I could find joy in and that was rewarding. I have been working on my BFA for the past two years. So I found what I wanted to study in school... but I found that just because I found photography it hasn't solved the unhappiness I have had in my life. I wasn't happy with my situation in Logan. I was constantly struggling with extreme Loneliness and depression not to mention seriously struggling with money. So I hit my breaking point and moved home. That was three weeks ago. Here I am today sorting through the elements in my life and truly figuring out what I want in Life. I am looking for a job here In Ely Nevada to make a little money before jumping into a new adventure in a new place. Follow me on this journey... Read my blog!